Ruhani Dua To Getting Lost Love Back

Ruhani Dua To Getting Lost Love Back  , “is viable and tried administration that gives you your lost affection inside of brief time with no additional endeavors by common route due to it is competent to locate your lost adoration. It is human instinct that when we have somebody at close then we don’t give more inclinations to that thing however when we lost our any critical thing in our life then we missed a ton. Consequently, when we have love in our life then we couldn’t care less a ton never in our life becau se we realize that it mine however when we miss our adoration reason for some,dua to make folks concur for marriage

reason then we comprehend that what amount was critical our affection in our life.

Getting love back additionally is the necess ary for each individual so here we will examine the getting love back issue. On the off chance that you adore somebody and he or she is, agitated due to you hurt him or her. Presently you are disturbed due to him or she is not have any desire to back again in your life now this is the common circumstance. A few times individuals can’t cover every one of the obligations of their sweetheart such as spouse, wife, sweetheart, and beau. We are giving you get lost affection back administration for you and your solace. On the off chance that you need touse our administration then you can contact our pro or us. You can apply this administration upon your mate and control their brain and body as indicated by you. On the off chance that your darling having another illicit relationship with other young lady/kid and he/she don’t hear you out then you can utilize our Islamic Dua to get lost adoration back administration. On the off chance that you utilize this administration then your lost adoration is returned your life

Dua for lost affection administration give you again an alternative where you can get your lost adoration on the off chance that you truly need to get your lost adoration in any condition, wazifa for adoration marriage. On the off chance that you repea ting a few words for getting your longing then it demonstrate your frantic in light of the fact that it is not right technique to get any craving. On the off chance that you have any yearning in your psyche then you ought to need to go for ask and ask with your actual complete self and after it approach from god for your longing. So on the off chance that you do take after these strides then you will get great results without a doubt since god need to help of destitute individual because you have vital requesting.

Shadi May Rukawat ki Powerful dua

Shadi May Rukawat ki Powerful dua , “Shadi or marriage is unquestionably an essential occasion as to once life and in addition the superb arrangement consequently extraordinary occasion, at some point you have every one of your thoughts regarding marriage, yet by and by any deferral perhaps there is in this occasion which is frequently all from Each of our god Almighty. That will get Our god advantages and impulse being Muslims should recount Quran, because of these sorts of Quran verses the client gets favoring it is in this manner imperative for Muslims they should sympathy toward their issues to Each of our god. In the event that we incorporate some postponement in shadi together with wedding, then here we’ve different Duas or petition to God solely for this, presents these offered duas to the related issues.

Ruhani Dua To Getting Lost Love Back

Ruhani Dua To Getting Lost Love Back , “is successful and tried administration that gives you your lost adoration inside of brief time with no additional endeavors by regular path as a result of it is skilled to locate your lost affection. It is human instinct that when we have somebody at close then we don’t give more inclinations to that thing however when we lost our any imperative thing in our life then we missed a considerable measure. In this manner, when we have love in our life then we couldn’t care less a considerable measure never in our life becau se we realize that it mine however when we miss our adoration reason for some,dua to make folks concur for marriage

reason then we comprehend that what amount was imperative our affection in our life.

Getting love back likewise is the necess ary for each individual so here we will talk about the getting love back issue. In the event that you adore somebody and he or she is, resentful in light of you hurt him or her. Presently you are disturbed due to him or she is not have any desire to back again in your life now this is the common circumstance. A few times individuals can’t cover every one of the obligations of their darling like-spouse, wife, sweetheart, and beau. We are giving you get lost affection back administration for you and your solace. In the event that you need touse our administration then you can contact our pro or us. You can apply this administration upon your partner and control their psyche and body as per you. In the event that your significant other having another illicit relationship with other young lady/kid and he/she don’t hear you out then you can utilize our Islamic Dua to get lost affection back administration. On the off chance that you utilize this administration then your lost adoration is returned your life

Dua for lost adoration administration give you again an alternative where you can get your lost affection in the event that you truly need to get your lost affection in any condition, wazifa for affection marriage. In the event that you repea ting a few words for getting your yearning then it demonstrate your edgy in light of the fact that it is not right technique to get any longing. On the off chance that you have any craving in your psyche then you ought to need to go for beg and implore with your actual absolute entirety and after it approach from god for your yearning. So in the event that you do take after these strides then you will get great results without a doubt since god need to help of penniless individual because you have important requesting.

Marriage Life Problems In Islam

Marriage Life Problems In Islam , “habitually make off so tastefully. Everybody coordinates the couple, their guardians, different relatives, and companions. Things every now and again sprint effectively. Couples squabble more different impacts yet cash is by compelling one of the for the most part regular and genuine. The arrangement is to discuss subject genuinely and talk about with inside of the crew. Save a harmony between your needs and that of your in-laws. On the off chance that you are supporting your folks financially, illuminate your mate as a substance of amenability and effortlessness.

Hitched Life Problems And Solutions

Connections present superb settlement, yet none are with no their question. This debate can put harm on a couple, however compelling through them can either make more grounded their connection or push them independently, contingent upon how they hold the test, they confront. Marriage inconveniences can result from excessively bustling arrangement for a little number of causes. At times couples information wedding inconveniences that could be tackled if the two may see their propensities and alter them. Downright commitment to the relationship way you are more plausible to exertion at keeping it well-constructed.

Marriage Life Problems Signs

Genuine marriage life issues don’t happen amid the night, they slither up on individuals gradually. Likewise, despicably, research demonstrates that, on standard, individuals live in misery for a long time or more before looking for help. Everything is extra huge than circumstance aside honored event for each other. Whether it is the children, work, companions, leisure activities, relatives, and so on, the entire thing seem to take prevalence in overabundance of the relationship. You use to approach your accomplice for their sentiment on a scope of subjects. Everything from what you should do about your hard supervisor to what arranges you will make for the weekend.

Marriage Life Problems In India

All relational unions have their enchantment appeal of good and awful and more often than not, designate the comparative crimp in the chain. Is it irritating in-laws or agonizing cleanliness matter, living with a critical individual nonstop save have its snippet of franticness. Money related stuff protect additionally crush a marriage. It is most phenomenal to be clear about monetary duty. Talking concerning the not very great side of marriage, conflict with in-laws is one of the primary inconveniences that the couple of face. In laws can either be strong and close or end up being only the clashing.

Wazifa for love come back in Islam


Wazifa intended for love come back within Islam
Now an day several younger’s have lost it is dream love but they want to get him/her back by means of virtually any ways. with islam we have power to have lost love back making use of strong wazifa regarding lost love in urdu,Arabic, English etc. when i recognize The idea regardless of whether you employ lost your beautiful love next have expectation That allah can bring THE lover/lost love/ ex love back very soon but pertaining to It several day when i be asked to repeat powerful wazifa intended for lost love back AS WELL AS As soon as my spouse and i MAKE USE OF qurani wazifa intended for lost love back then sure It is going to given an positive power in order to bring back MY lost lover AND ALSO Insha allah will support to obtain MY lost love back.

You can use below wazifa to have love back within urdu intended for It several procedure necessitate to obtain easily effects to acquire ones love back. it is advisable to have to utilize love back Islamic 121 times daily sooner going to help sleep on night ALONG WITH the particular must be delivery through Friday night pertaining to superior result IN ADDITION TO This can must always be repeat with regard to 41 days AS WELL AS sure right after this time frame duration your current lost love may come back Using your hands. Insha allah may solve you’re ones problem.


Wazifa for Husband to Come Back

Wazifa for Husband to Come Back ,” They is the words no woman ever possesses to help listen. inside thirty several years of relationship counsel ALONG WITH my partner and i have learned your primary common reason a good have a Husband tells ones spouse he isn’t going in order to love her just about any extra is actually since the of there can be a other woman. Discovering The item obtain a Husband has fallen beyond affection Back decrease as well as is usually ‘involved’ in some other individual is simply unsightly. your own heart backrounds, That sounds being a bag involving bare cement will be lodge Making use of your abdomen AND Back the head starts running overtime.

Get ones Man to Do What an individual would like

Why he does this, an individual request. you use already been a loyal AS WELL AS subsidiary spouse, inside fact. He got the looking home IN ADDITION TO kids love him for you to Do What a person would like. What excess may quite possibly he wants soon after just about all you might be not good – is usually however, you are not ones main sole causing inappropriate texts to be able to a brand new woman. that you are attempting to be able to carry your own family along. regardless of whether solely he’d end up being older ALONG WITH acting his carry older just about any woman discovers herself during this situation features THE sympathy AND ALSO get ones Husband. The’ there is invariably hope, your current weeks AND ALSO months at the top sq measure progressing to help always be very robust AS WELL AS acquire your Husband. However whereas The idea will then surprise you, anyone whose behavior Demands to amendment very first is… you for you to Do What you would like.

How to be able to to be able to make your own Husband in order to Do What a person would like

If your current husband can be behaving badly, intelligibly It truly is tempting to identify him because drawback, however the actual sidesteps ones half within the unraveling involving actions for you to make your Husband. Moreover, what produced your ex sad enough for you to seem elsewhere to be able to Do What an individual would like? Ultimately, your current lone consumer my partner and i can amendment can be THE self, of which ought to always be your primary move to be able to rescuing any kind of wedding within situation. Here, my spouse and i indicate how, that has a little connected with actions in order to make your Husband honesty AND different servings of extremely humble pie, women may begin the program regarding renewing the particular foremost salvageable wedding IN ADDITION TO acquire back the love of your cheating man to be able to Do What anyone would like.

Wazifa for getting back together your Husband

The 1st work towards the recovery wants single to be able to conceive Wazifa to obtain Back amendment. Moreover, whereas you have maybe This ones Man is actually sorry 1, 000, 000 times previous to end up being your peace, maybe you have designed earnings apology. the particular will be solitary This appreciates your unhelpful behaviour carrying him intended for granted, Wazifa to obtain back together accepts your responsibility you’ve managed to get been consequently committed for the kids you have forgotten like a your Husband also as a mother, expresses sorrow AND ALSO an determination to change, AND is usually truthful.

Wazifa for getting MY OWN husband Back

Acknowledge This That In the event that produce ones ex are perpetually belittled. Promise to not nag again that will he truly In the event that say single issue regardless of whether he catches people doing it. the’ it’s tempting in order to feature an evidence to help your own shrewish, It is going to sound just like you are excusing yourself and so lessens your own ability of any apology. Ultimately, no matter whether your current man thinks a person pay ones majority of The idea slow repining.

Wazifa for Husband to Come Back ,” If you have lost your husband and he is not accepting you then do the following vazeefa and he will be back with you.after you have said your zohar prayers light the incense of rose or lavender and recite sura fatiha loud so you can hear it,now where the word “ayea ka nabodo wa eya ka nastaen”come repeat it for 101 time and read the surah for 11 times like this,in 2 to 3 weeks you will hear some good news.


Wazifa for Husband to Come Back+91-7062376800


Wazifa to have your current Husband Back

They is the words no woman ever possesses to help listen. inside thirty several years of relationship counsel ALONG WITH my partner and i have learned your primary common reason a good have a Husband tells ones spouse he isn’t going in order to love her just about any extra is actually since the of there can be a other woman. Discovering The item obtain a Husband has fallen beyond affection Back decrease as well as is usually ‘involved’ in some other individual is simply unsightly. your own heart backrounds, That sounds being a bag involving bare cement will be lodge Making use of your abdomen AND Back the head starts running overtime.

Get ones Man to Do What an individual would like

Why he does this, an individual request. you use already been a loyal AS WELL AS subsidiary spouse, inside fact. He got the looking home IN ADDITION TO kids love him for you to Do What a person would like. What excess may quite possibly he wants soon after just about all you might be not good – is usually however, you are not ones main sole causing inappropriate texts to be able to a brand new woman. that you are attempting to be able to carry your own family along. regardless of whether solely he’d end up being older ALONG WITH acting his carry older just about any woman discovers herself during this situation features THE sympathy AND ALSO get ones Husband. The’ there is invariably hope, your current weeks AND ALSO months at the top sq measure progressing to help always be very robust AS WELL AS acquire your Husband. However whereas The idea will then surprise you, anyone whose behavior Demands to amendment very first is… you for you to Do What you would like.

How to be able to to be able to make your own Husband in order to Do What a person would like

If your current husband can be behaving badly, intelligibly It truly is tempting to identify him because drawback, however the actual sidesteps ones half within the unraveling involving actions for you to make your Husband. Moreover, what produced your ex sad enough for you to seem elsewhere to be able to Do What an individual would like? Ultimately, your current lone consumer my partner and i can amendment can be THE self, of which ought to always be your primary move to be able to rescuing any kind of wedding within situation. Here, my spouse and i indicate how, that has a little connected with actions in order to make your Husband honesty AND different servings of extremely humble pie, women may begin the program regarding renewing the particular foremost salvageable wedding IN ADDITION TO acquire back the love of your cheating man to be able to Do What anyone would like.

Wazifa for getting back together your Husband

The 1st work towards the recovery wants single to be able to conceive Wazifa to obtain Back amendment. Moreover, whereas you have maybe This ones Man is actually sorry 1, 000, 000 times previous to end up being your peace, maybe you have designed earnings apology. the particular will be solitary This appreciates your unhelpful behaviour carrying him intended for granted, Wazifa to obtain back together accepts your responsibility you’ve managed to get been consequently committed for the kids you have forgotten like a your Husband also as a mother, expresses sorrow AND ALSO an determination to change, AND is usually truthful.

Wazifa for getting MY OWN husband Back

Acknowledge This That In the event that produce ones ex are perpetually belittled. Promise to not nag again that will he truly In the event that say single issue regardless of whether he catches people doing it. the’ it’s tempting in order to feature an evidence to help your own shrewish, It is going to sound just like you are excusing yourself and so lessens your own ability of any apology. Ultimately, no matter whether your current man thinks a person pay ones majority of The idea slow repining.

Wazifa for Husband to Come Back ,” If you have lost your husband and he is not accepting you then do the following vazeefa and he will be back with you.after you have said your zohar prayers light the incense of rose or lavender and recite sura fatiha loud so you can hear it,now where the word “ayea ka nabodo wa eya ka nastaen”come repeat it for 101 time and read the surah for 11 times like this,in 2 to 3 weeks you will hear some good news.


Wazifa to Make Husband Love With Wife

Wazifa to Make Husband Love With Wife  ,” Here, my spouse and i are generally giving MY OWN Qurani Ayat to help Husband Love administration intended for most wives. this administration is actually effortless AND ALSO phenomenal moment administration, that issue an individual exquisite feeling again As an individual had sooner recently marriage time. i supply MY administration simply for you to wedded lady. for the off chance that you can USE THE Qurani Ayat pertaining to Husband Love administration inside light of a fact This your current spouse does not adore you, reason with regard to a few family issues/issues. In the event that you make use of THE administration subsequently your spouse will just love in order to a person these types of a good amount without perplexity. with the wake of using the actual administration, This provides uncomplicated result without having uncertainty.

Qurani Ayat for Husband And Wife
In your own event that you are confronting several affection IN ADDITION TO relationship concerns throughout look at of any spouse or perhaps wife after that You will MAKE USE OF THE Qurani Ayat intended for spouse AND wife administration. Spouse IN ADDITION TO wife connection will be the interesting connection for the planet throughout light of It’s segment of rights. at the point As soon as spouse ALONG WITH wife follow rights successfully after that they live content overall life however Just in case almost any single does not follow suitable AND ALSO don’t play obligations accurately subsequently they confront much sort connected with questions throughout it is life. In the event that that you need to WORK WITH MY Qurani Ayat pertaining to spouse AND wife benefit subsequently contact us.

Qurani Ayat to have Job
Qurani Ayat with regard to landing position benefit As label suggests that, that is a Qurani Ayat, which is utilization to be able to land a great decent position. i realize exceptionally nicely The idea each one offers distinctive approach to life consequently every sole need diverse occupation or perhaps some other word we will certainly say That each single need for you to land spot throughout particular/yearning field. towards the off chance that you simply land fruitful position for that greater profession next You’ll EMPLOY OUR Qurani Ayat regarding landing position administration. Presently the time,our Qurani Ayat is usually extremely famous in light of any fact The item The item does run effortless AND ALSO allow awesome result in just about any circumstance.

Qurani Ayat for Good Health
In your world, each sole Prerequisites great wellbeing inside light of any fact This wellbeing will be essential with regard to very long live. Presently this time ones vast majority of folks tend to be confronting a number of sickness on account regarding awful wellbeing. on the off chance you’re in addition confronting a number of sickness next You can UTILIZE OUR Qurani Ayat for good wellbeing administration. In the event that you have MY OWN administration next You may am preferable pose to be a viable rival more than a few night out recently.

Qurani Ayat regarding Good Luck
A few men and women need good fortunes with light of the fact That they believe This it is fortunes is actually not capable. Consequently, they need good fortunes for new institution or perhaps some other work, therefore UTILIZE MY OWN Qurani Ayat for good fortunes administration AS WELL AS make your current fortunes solid as well as intense for your future. Equally my spouse and i know, fortunes is necessary pertaining to effective employment or maybe fruitful life. MY PERSONAL Qurani Ayat with regard to good fortunes administration is exceptionally prevalent due due to the intro or perhaps preferences.


Wazifa to Make Husband Love With Wife +91-7062376800


Wazifa with regard to Husband Love in Wife ,” Here, my spouse and i are generally giving MY OWN Qurani Ayat to help Husband Love administration intended for most wives. this administration is actually effortless AND ALSO phenomenal moment administration, that issue an individual exquisite feeling again As an individual had sooner recently marriage time. i supply MY administration simply for you to wedded lady. for the off chance that you can USE THE Qurani Ayat pertaining to Husband Love administration inside light of a fact This your current spouse does not adore you, reason with regard to a few family issues/issues. In the event that you make use of THE administration subsequently your spouse will just love in order to a person these types of a good amount without perplexity. with the wake of using the actual administration, This provides uncomplicated result without having uncertainty.

Qurani Ayat for Husband And Wife
In your own event that you are confronting several affection IN ADDITION TO relationship concerns throughout look at of any spouse or perhaps wife after that You will MAKE USE OF THE Qurani Ayat intended for spouse AND wife administration. Spouse IN ADDITION TO wife connection will be the interesting connection for the planet throughout light of It’s segment of rights. at the point As soon as spouse ALONG WITH wife follow rights successfully after that they live content overall life however Just in case almost any single does not follow suitable AND ALSO don’t play obligations accurately subsequently they confront much sort connected with questions throughout it is life. In the event that that you need to WORK WITH MY Qurani Ayat pertaining to spouse AND wife benefit subsequently contact us.

Qurani Ayat to have Job
Qurani Ayat with regard to landing position benefit As label suggests that, that is a Qurani Ayat, which is utilization to be able to land a great decent position. i realize exceptionally nicely The idea each one offers distinctive approach to life consequently every sole need diverse occupation or perhaps some other word we will certainly say That each single need for you to land spot throughout particular/yearning field. towards the off chance that you simply land fruitful position for that greater profession next You’ll EMPLOY OUR Qurani Ayat regarding landing position administration. Presently the time,our Qurani Ayat is usually extremely famous in light of any fact The item The item does run effortless AND ALSO allow awesome result in just about any circumstance.

Qurani Ayat for Good Health
In your world, each sole Prerequisites great wellbeing inside light of any fact This wellbeing will be essential with regard to very long live. Presently this time ones vast majority of folks tend to be confronting a number of sickness on account regarding awful wellbeing. on the off chance you’re in addition confronting a number of sickness next You can UTILIZE OUR Qurani Ayat for good wellbeing administration. In the event that you have MY OWN administration next You may am preferable pose to be a viable rival more than a few night out recently.

Qurani Ayat regarding Good Luck
A few men and women need good fortunes with light of the fact That they believe This it is fortunes is actually not capable. Consequently, they need good fortunes for new institution or perhaps some other work, therefore UTILIZE MY OWN Qurani Ayat for good fortunes administration AS WELL AS make your current fortunes solid as well as intense for your future. Equally my spouse and i know, fortunes is necessary pertaining to effective employment or maybe fruitful life. MY PERSONAL Qurani Ayat with regard to good fortunes administration is exceptionally prevalent due due to the intro or perhaps preferences.


Powerful Wazifa for Solving All Problem +91-7062376800


Powerful Dua Solve all Conditions ,”Today’s life is usually very quickly moving and also every user desires in order to live the lot better and alsosafe life and desires to realize how they can bring happiness with their own relatives. Muslim astrology may allow you to throughout predicting your own future You might aware of an upcoming bad as well as the good events. everyone wants in order to become careful to the globe and did n’t be asked to face additional problems, but life is actually crammed within obscurities and ALSO happiness. anybody provides to address troubles, but solitary of which had passed anybody troubles can be productive. MY Dua assists you to regarding uncomplicated product or service connected with the particular just about all Conditions just including family problems, fiscal troubles, marriage Conditions along obtaining other problems. Under the instruction associated with Best Muslim IN ADDITION TO Islamic astrologers will then help us all to be able to unravel your own every type connected with Circumstances while using Least difficult Dua method in just about all your general life.
As my partner and i learn perfectly This Dua is often a very strong along with powerful prayer along with it’s qualified to solve ones the numerous Problems in the normal life. my spouse and i get loads of cases during which are usually a person upset by these kinds of Disorders since these include not aware of around my own own successful Dua tactics. no matter whether you utilize almost any forms connected with troubles, and then do not hide within people since my spouse and i Just in case solve your current a lot of problems. MY OWN aim is actually unambiguous in addition to i ought to help check out happiness in each along with every person’s face consequently we are generally here. your current Dua must become performed very proficiently and also nicely to help create The item work. Currently, here when i may discuss briefly information on the numerous Dua procedures Making use of your general life.

Dua solution Family members Problems: –

This type of Dua will be primarily practical for you to response family Problems within many your own general life. when i recognize It what quantity involving family Conditions with earth as being a family is a variety of Many people and so whether Many people is usually exist within the same location in comparison with several family complications will probably create. regardless of whether almost all an individual can strain coming from itself or maybe lonely, after that your current condition will certainly not produce even though nobody is usually straining alone supplied This they love each some different. ones most typical family Problems are relationship because majority person may survive in family AS WELL AS with this person relationship quite tough to keep for the family IN ADDITION TO they’re very frustrated, after that the Dua is often a perfect product pertaining in order to these kind of family complications.

Dua Solve Private Problems: –

We understand It financial Circumstances are very ticks one inside the actual earth nowadays. with regard to promotion or maybe to help produce yourself financially solid, the Dua in case be founded handy as well as acceptable pertaining to you. whether or not that you are facing numerous kinds connected with financial Ailments in the common life, subsequently the Dua may allow you to these types of Ailments because the It can be additional highly effective and also effective make make use  of. Whatever problem a person usually are facing simply preserve The idea uncomplicated looking from Allah. He will certainly absolutely provides an individual your signs anyhow for you to resolve your current problems.

Dua to help resolve Marriage Problems: –

Dua for you to treat Marriage ProblemsDua for you to carry care of Marriage Problems
We will certainly view The item a lot of times anyone usually are facing Conditions of marriage within the lifetime, these types of Ailments my spouse and i can certainly store anyplace during which we are usually living. Marriage is actually an extremely beautiful connection between most relations in the world, but day since the of quite a few Individual queries That numerous take detained. for the reason, You may answer your own marriage Circumstances intended for kids since my partner and i provide the anyone Dua to be able to therapy marriage Ailments process, soon after employing The idea certainly you’ll receive early marriage Making use of your lifetime and acquire an attractive life. Here, my spouse and i tend to be giving for someone to Dua in order to reply marriage Problems program The idea will offer effects later just after You’ll labor and birth repeating this.

Dua Sorted many MY PERSONAL Problems: –

Dua can be a far better item on the almost all Circumstances effortlessly considering that the employing Dua my spouse and i may then consider product or service involving MY PERSONAL Problems by Allah desired. Dua solved several MY OWN Circumstances process can be very effective and also convenient intended for a variety of human related Problems being solved with the frequent habitual existence. As soon as a person recite Dua daily then definite Allah satisfies your own desire as well as anyone ought for getting success Using your lifetime. whether an individual want pertaining to being more Dua regarding almost any other Disorders after that you’ll become able to contact in any individual by mail or even probably phone, i gives you Easiest Dua with regards to solving ones quite a few troubles.

Wazifa for Any Problem in Urdu


Wazifa for Solving Any Problem in English:

Hadrat Mohiuddin Jeelani Rehmatullahe Alayhe has narrated that if any person will  recite this dua (111) one hundred eleven times. If any person has any kind of difficulties or any hard task, insha ALLAH his/her difficulties will be resolved soon. Recite this dua ‘Whatever I’ve obtained is through reciting this dua’. Recite this dua after morning or night obligatory prayers.  You have to perform this wazifa every day till you get success and your aim has been accomplished.

Recite this dua after morning or night obligatory prayers. Perform this wazifa every day till you see positive results in your favor.

  1. Make a fresh ablution;
  2. Sit on a prayer mat;
  3. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times;
  4. Then recite the above dua 111 times;
  5. Again recite Durood Shareef 11 times;
  6. Pray to ALLAH Subhanahu Wata A’la to solve your any hard task or a problem.

Note: Females must not perform this wazifa during the 7 days of their menses.

Wazifa for Solving Any Problem in Hindi

फज्र या फिर इंशा की नमाज़ के बाद! फज्र या फिर इंशा की नमाज़ के बाद! रोज़ाना कीजिये जब तक असर न नज़र आये!

  1. ताज़ा वुदू बनाइये;
  2. जा नमाज़ पर बैठ जाइए:
  3. फिर दुरूद शरीफ (दुरूद-ए-इब्राहीमी या कोई और) 11 मर्तबा पढ़िए;
  4. फिर ऊपर दी हुई दुआ (111) एक सौ ग्यारह मर्तबा पढ़िए;
  5. फिर आखिर में फिर से दुरूद शरीफ (दुरूद-ए-इब्राहीमी या कोई और) 11 मर्तबा पढ़िए;
  6. फिर अपनी जो भी मुश्किल हो यहाँ कोई बमुश्किल काम हो उसके आसान होने के लिए अल्लाह सुब्हानहु वता आला से दुआ कीजिये!
    इंशा अल्लाह जल्द ही काम आसान हो जायेगा!

ग़ौर तलब: ख्वातीन इससे हैज़ के 7 रोज़ में क़तई न कीजिये!